marriage ceremony


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Wedding Ceremonies in London and across the UK
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16 Lanark Mansions
14 Lanark Road
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W9 1DB

Catherine Kentridge officiates Wedding, Renewal of Vows, Namings and Celebration of Life Celebrant Ceremonies in London and across the UK.

Your marriage ceremony is carefully crafted and polished with the personal vows, and selected elements such as special readings, that will reflect you and tell your story.

Celebrant ceremonies of all kinds can take place at any location, making them truly unique and fully customised for you. I can conduct ceremonies in various languages and with or without elements of all faiths, cultures and traditions.

From simple intimate gatherings to elaborate grand affairs, you want your ceremony to be as close to perfection as possible. Perfection means something different to everyone. As your celebrant, I handcraft your ceremony into a unique, joyful, and deeply meaningful celebration.